SEO long tail: When and how to tackle low volume Keywords

The extensive conclusion of search could be a strange place to walk around, typically don't have the number of information that may ordinarily trust to guide North American country. However the keyword phrase that you just will discover their heaviness in bullion to your website not worthwhile, typically terribly valuable driving traffic.
In this edition of Whiteboard Friday Edge delves into the basic strategies you can use to make long tail keywords work to their advantage, SEO niche specific to a larger content strategy that many search long tail catches on your network.

Now for those of you who can not be trusted, there is actually a demand curve in the world of search engine. Lots and lots of search engines to search for popular keywords in the world of the NBA as the "end of the NBA." Then we have fewer people who are looking for "basketball hoops" but still fairly significant, right, probably hundreds of thousands per month. Then perhaps only a few dozen are searching each month for something like "box tickets Miami Heat."

After entering the very long tail, where there are one, two, maybe three searches per month, or maybe not even. Maybe it's only a few searches a year for something like "retro Seattle SuperSonics customizable shirt."

Now, this is pretty hard to do keyword research throughout this region of the long tail. The region long tail is almost a mystery to us, because the search engines themselves are not enough volume, where to get them was displayed in a tool like AdWords or Bing search. Even search suggestion or related searches do not often come to the surface of such terms and expressions. They just do not have enough volume. However, for many companies, can and you are one of them, these keywords are actually quite valuable.
Two ways to think about the long tail keyword targeting

1: I think there are keywords this small range, highly specific and phrases that have very high value to my company specific terms. I know she's not much, maybe just a few times a month, perhaps even not searched. But if they are if I can drive search traffic to my website, which is very valuable to me, and so are worth a handful of them. A handful would be half a dozen, or it could be in hundreds of small to decide that these terms are worth a go despite the fact that a very small number of keyword searches. Remember, if we 50 landing pages targeting terms that only one or two searches per month are being built, still might get a hundred or a few hundred searches per year, on our site that is super valuable for business. So those terms in general, as we are doing this hyper-specific, they should be...

• Conversion is likely, which means that we know that we will convert browsers to buyers if we can get that search engines or what to do.

• They should be very little competition, because not many people know about these keywords. There are plenty of sites that focus on them all. No tools keyword research note that these data show.

• It should be a relatively small number of terms that are targeted, like I said, maybe a few dozen, maybe a few hundred, usually no more than that.
• We will try to pages that are optimized to convert searchers into customers or to them in everything we need should build.
2: The second way is a kind of large-scale explosion approach, where we are less oriented with our content, but we are providing a wide range of targets keywords. This is what a lot of sites user-generated content, blogs, large and large content sites do their work. Maybe they are doing some targeted to specific keywords, but also a kind of trying to make this large group of long tail keywords that could be reached in your niche. If tends ...
• There are produced one ton of the contents.
• Conversion focuses less overall, because we do not know the meaning of all these search engines, especially in terms of the long tail.
• We will focus on many of the terms used here.
• There are no specific targets available keywords. So in general, we focus more on the content itself and less on the specificity of that keyword targeting.

Now let's start with the niche and specific. The way I think that you would want to build these pages - my retro jerseys Supersonics that can be customized - with me:
• Standard on page SEO best practices.

• I will do my smart internal linking.

• I do not really need a lot of external links. One or two will likely. In fact, many times when it comes to long tail, can be classified without external links not only internal links.

• The quality content investment remains essential. I must ensure that this page is indexed by Google, and has been doing a great job of converting visitors, If he wants to serve the viewfinder. It may not seem automated content, you can not look poor quality, and certainly not discourage visitors come because I was already the investment I made to get the engine to lose my page. Especially since there are so few of them, you better make sure that this page does a great job.

A) PPC is a great way to go. You can create a purchase order PPC broad concept AdWords or Bing, and then discover these hyper-specific capabilities. So if I buy it from keywords like "bespoke shirts," I could see that, of course, most of them are for teams and sports I've heard, but there may be some who come to me who are very, very long tail . This is actually a reason why you would want to buy PPC sufficient for the purposes of discovery, not bear fruit even if the return on investment of your AdWords campaign. I look at you and go, "Hey, it's not worth it to do this widespread acceptance, but every week we discover key to our long-tail orientation that makes it worthwhile new words." That may be something to pay attention is.

B) You can use some tools for keyword research, but not itself AdWords, because AdWords bias is to show more commercial terms, and prejudice to terms and expressions that show currently search volume.

C) NOTE scores keyword problem really is not that useful in these cases. Scores keyword difficulty - they tend to do is to see a search result and then say, "How many links or how high domain authority and authority to link page or all statistics refer to these 10 pages?" The problem is in a group where there are very few people pointing keyword very specific, you'd pages mighty they are not really optimized at all for those keywords that are not really relevant have, and, therefore, whether it is a lot easier than it looks like a problem score to rank keywords for those pages. So my advice is to look for to set the keyword to detect that opportunity. If you are one of the 10 pages see actually includes all keywords, or just one of them seems to be the intended search for these long tail keywords actually serve, you've probably found yourself a great chance long tail SEO.

A large-scale, long tail SEO undirected:

This is very, very different in approach. It will be for the other site, various fields of application. We do not try specific terms and expressions that we have identified. instead we say, "You know what? We have a great content strategy to own all kinds of long tail searches in a particular niche." This cans educational content. It may be the content of the discussion. It would be the content of the product, which support user-generated content, that sort of thing.

• I would prefer the unique nature of the content itself and the actual value search engine, which means I have to content that is useful to researchers, is useful for real people. It can not be generated from scratch.

• I am less about the particular keyword targeting worrying. I know I do not know what words and phrases that I'm after. So instead, I'm pushing for other things, such as utilities, the amount of the uniqueness of the content, the quality of it, the value offered, engagement metrics that I can look in my analysis, all that kind of stuff.

• If you are careful here. When you're doing to create large-scale content or to enable the creation of content on a platform, you have a low value content of pages Google indexes only keep. This could be done in two ways. One limits the system that only certain amounts of material for a page can even publish. Whether you look at the amount of content being created or engagement metrics of its analysis, and block essentially - by using robots.txt or meta tag robots - all pages that they appear to be low-value, low-unique content.

A) This approach requires a lot of scalability, and so something as necessary:
• Forum
• Content-style Q & A
• product published by the user or service offerings or business. These all support user-generated content.
• You can also visit non-UGC if you made editorial. Something like a blog content and news is updated frequently, especially if you have enough of a staff that can make that content on a regular basis so you are pumping good things on a regular basis, it can also work. It is usually not as scalable, but you need to worry less about the uniqueness of quality content.

B) Do not want to fully automate the system. The worst thing you can possibly do is a site that has done well, pumping hundreds, ten of thousands  pages, threw them into the site are low-quality content, low uniqueness of the content, and Google can get with something like the punishment Panda, who has gone to a lot of places we have seen in recent years. Repeat and refine, so be very careful. You need some human creation to ensure the uniqueness of the content and value beyond the level you need to stay.
C) If you are doing is creating great content, I strongly recommend that the content management system, or to make the system work in your favor UGC presentation. Make some fieldwork difficult for your SEO, doing that sort of thing...

• Push-users to provide a more useful descriptive content in the making for you.
• Requires a minimum of content to even be able to convert it.
• Use to capture the unwanted and to evaluate things before the mail system software. If you include a lot of links, as the poison keywords, keyword spam, discarded.
• encourage and reward high-quality contributions. If you have users or content that consistently does well by its participation metrics, check out who these users, will reward them. To promote Go to that content, Pushing for greater visibility. Do you want this system that rewards the best material and keeps you make bad things. A good content management system UGC can do this for you if you build it properly.

Okay, everyone, we hope that your thoughts about SEO long tail.

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