How to Get Good Ideas for Blog Posts, Every Time

It's scary sometimes push fresh content in the world. It can be nerve-wracking wondering how his colleagues will judge his words. It's what you have typed? It will be well received, and a negative response will be created, Or worse, no answer at all?

This way of thinking often requires us to suppress ideas and throw them into the "not worth the publication of" cube. It's a shame, because it affects creativity. That is why often left looking at the computer screen, knowing that we have to publish something, but unable to decide exactly what.

Keep file of ideas

The main inspiration is that you can not predict when it will strike. When the sun shines, you have to be ready to make hay. In a move that only serves to primary preparation.
Keep a file - a document or spreadsheet - with a list of all your ideas blog entries. Save this file in a place where you can access it at any time; such as Dropbox.

If you have an idea that could make an interesting blog entry, write it down.
Do this every time and soon you have a significant inventory to work with - even if you're not in the mood to be creative at all?

Appropriate from others

One of the best ways to come up with ideas for your own blog is to ask constantly exposed to blogs that want to emulate. Subscribe using a feed reader (we like feebly) on your favorite blogs and check once a day to see what has been published.

Do not be afraid of ideas that work clearly to steal other people. There is a huge amount that can be drawn from the success of others. Blog Post series, disciplines, using images, the list is endless! Only not really steal your content. That is not right.

Read a good message for one of your competitors? Write to the file of ideas. On a rainy day it could be just the piece of inspiration that has a spark new message.

Ask the audience
silly ideas to find bloggers, bloggers allow efficient ideas come to them.
What questions are asked? What people seem to confuse (or excited) by? What stories do you have? I'm not sure about this? Ask your readers to tell what they like to read more - and then give it to them. It sounds simple, but surprisingly few people actually do.

Internet demand

Many-to-Noble blogger inserted content ideas for you, and while this has not been an insurmountable obstacle for some ... there are many more who have completed the process and documented. Check out the lists of great ideas for blog entries by his colleagues in the blogosphere.

Expand the content of its blockbuster
Search for your scan history and find out what their most popular posts of all time.
These are your blockbusters, weeks months and years after publication, to still bring in a steady stream of new visitors to explore your blog for the first time.

So you work this content, the next question is: How can you expand on it? Would you break one of your existing messages in steps finer grain? Can you track? You can update the content of the message with a new and improved version? Whatever you decide, be sure to change the old post a link at the end include:

Telling the story so far

Sometimes the best element is the one that tells the story of all other messages. No matter what your blog is, what you've been doing for a while.
• What have you learned in that time?
• What has changed since you started?
• If I had to go back and advice is given at the beginning of your career, what would it be?

These messages are not just an exercise in narcissism; they can be incredibly useful for others in your industry. Everyone has to start somewhere, and learning from their mistakes can still evolve faster the next generation.

Give a little back and tell their story.

What is the best way to blog post? That is easy. The best type of blog post is what makes people read more than 12 entries from your blog. Only a few people link their messages well together and take advantage of this.

Sit and go through old messages. Group messages related to each other and see if positioned so that the sentence as a mini-guide makes a request so that the reading of a message after another in the correct order is valuable.
Add an introduction, a conclusion, and some descriptions of light + links to each post. Now he has to send a guide function that people search with a click around your blog.

Borrow a brain
Are you tired of your brain? Given to someone else! Who look up in your industry who are interested your readers might be? Them an email and ask if you can make a call. His only challenge is to some interesting questions dealing with the issue of getting. After that, they already generate great content on behalf of hard work.

The web is full of boring, "so that tells us who you are and what you do" shit. Do not repeat this. Write to ask a good introduction to the subject rather than do it for you. Do your research and ask them something important. That's where the magic comes.

Does some linkage analysis:

What works for your colleagues can work well for you; did you know that can be found with relative ease, what messages they are most popular anywhere in the world? Data about who links available to all.

Using the "Top Pages" Open Site Explorer feature that allows some very interesting statistics on what pages of a particular site get the most links from other websites.
Can you come up with something like that? Can you tell us what you have already written and better? Make another file in a note to his ideas as to come up with something.

Muscle training concept:
Creating ideas is a muscle that needs exercise. The more often you do it, the stronger the muscle becomes. Develop proposals for all blog posts, single, day, and soon begins to notice that it has become more natural.

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