How can you tell a professional from a part-time job?

Let me tell you. I have "virtual" works since before Google was one thing. Cross my heart! Although you probably can not see my youthful appearance, child, who was providing virtual assistance before becoming an industry, Yes, I'm a dinosaur, but that's exactly why you should listen to what I say.

This is not usually a topic that I write, but unfortunately, I have noticed a trend in recent years is an extreme lack of professionalism among service providers - especially in the virtual assistance industry. And because it is my business, I like to make things clear.
It seems that our beloved Internet has made it possible for thousands of people who are making easy money infiltrate what a very reputable industry was before.

During my travels I could get a few gifts that is proclaimed dead, a clear sign that someone I might not be all that he / she seems to be a VA, and can be difficult to work with them have been. Of course, you can use the term "virtual assistant" to watch and read websites search Google Facebook and characteristics of different companies, but before you get involved with a service provider in particular, there are some things to have to let you know if this is a person who really knows what they are doing and want someone who could work. Here are just four of them.

How to create a professional stained fifty paces ...
They have limits. Probably one of the easiest ways to tell if someone is serious about what they do is see what the limits are in place are. Whether a fixed schedule, it does not work on weekends, or the impossibility of having it now "project began to fall in an instant to work everything '... kind of rules about how they work is a good thing, and great sign anyone take your business seriously.

Their prices are not absurdly low. I keep seeing messages and articles on working with virtual assistants that cost $ 25- $ 30 per hour (sometimes even lower!) ... And that's just absurd. I am aware that those of us in our industry do not have a ton of, but as a business owner, we still have costs, and if someone is charging such a low speed that makes me wonder how to pay your expenses and benefit at the same time - not to stay alone in business. There is an average of the industry for almost everything, and you should never work with someone who is charging excessively low prices, unless you really do not care about the results or if you work with someone who really knows what they are doing.

That's all I'll say. (Note: Our services are at the top end of the scale, but worth it).
They ask questions. As an example, let's say you hire a copywriter for their website content and they do not all questions about your background, your mission statement, target audience, the services you provide ... to lift a big red flag. A person who becomes a great job will have to ask for clarification to ensure that no mistake. There is always a period of "getting to know you ', and the best way to publicize your business is to ask questions.

They respond. You should never have to wait a week to receive a return phone call or email from a service provider of any kind. If you reach out and report on how to do business with someone and not receive a response within 24 hours (if not a holiday or a weekend, to be different) it might be a good idea to try to find someone else. This is especially after you start working with someone. One of the things I try to instill in my team responds to our customers. I have horror stories of others who say you should wait a week or more just to care for something simple, which is totally unacceptable to hear a common occurrence!

I'm sure there are many more signs or "signs" that have seen or heard, but these are just a few things that stand out to me as the differences between professionals and amateurs.

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